Anyone dealing with pain day-to-day understands that coping entails far more than just enduring the physical impact.
Ongoing pain is incredibly isolating. It drains your mental and emotional health, can mess with your work life and finances, and strain all your relationships.
Hypnotherapy can work to help most people suffering pain, either on its own or alongside other medical interventions.
Studies consistently show that clinical hypnotherapy is an effective form of relief for both acute (sudden) pain and chronic (long-term) pain resulting from injury, fibromyalgia, back pain, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you to manage your pain more effectively, not just during hypnotherapy sessions here at the practice, but by yourself at home.
Send me a quick email and let me know a little about your situation. We'll find a suitable time to have a FREE INITIAL HYPNOTHERAPY CONSULTATION, either by phone or Zoom.
Atlantic Hypnotherapy Practice offers online hypnotherapy appointments to clients all over the UK, helping them overcome a variety of challenges. Based on the north coast of Cornwall, UK, hypnotherapist Natalie has been practising since 2017 and specialises in anxiety, panic and depression.