Please note: I work slightly differently to some and help you to take control of, and reduce the physiological effects of panic before working on changing thought patterns and learnt habits/ unhelpful coping mechanisms. We do not need to go into any past traumas or spend time analysing negative situations.
Panic attacks are frightening episodes during which the sufferer feels overwhelming fear and anxiety. Attacks can last for just a few minutes but can go on for longer.
Physical symptoms include:
Heart Palpitations
Shortness of Breath
Chest Pain, and Dry Mouth
Psychological symptoms of a panic attack include:
Feelings of dread
Fear that you’re about to die
Detachment and sense of unreality
Disorientation and fear of the next panic attack happening
If you are being hit by panic attacks more than once a month you may have what is known as Panic Disorder, or your panic may be part of a wider issue such as a phobia, General or Social Anxiety Disorder, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with all these different forms of panic.
While your panic attacks may seem to start with a particular trigger, it is likely your stress and anxiety levels are running high in the background most of the time. The reason for this is that the part of our brain known as the amygdala, which is responsible for our fight-flight-freeze responses, goes into overdrive creating unhealthy anxiety that can lead to panic attacks.
Clinical hypnotherapy works so well for panic attacks because it puts you, the client, into a deeply relaxed state of trance that calms down the amygdala’s rapid alert system, which in turn prevents the unnecessary release of certain stress hormones.
Hypnotherapy also has a positive, lasting effect on your general anxiety levels.
Send me a quick email and let me know a little about your situation. We'll find a suitable time to have a FREE INITIAL HYPNOTHERAPY CONSULTATION, either by phone or Zoom.
Atlantic Hypnotherapy Practice offers online hypnotherapy appointments to clients all over the UK, helping them overcome a variety of challenges. Based on the north coast of Cornwall, UK, hypnotherapist Natalie has been practising since 2017 and specialises in anxiety, panic and depression.